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Gary Rossi, a successful realtor at 30, shares his expertise on leveraging CRMs to empower real estate agents. His blog highlights the importance of streamlining workflows and enhancing client communication for building a successful real estate business.
Real Estate Technology and CRM Advocate

Roger Davies

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Roger leverages his two decades of experience in construction company management, specifically mid-sized firms in Santa Clara County, CA. His expertise lies in streamlining office processes and navigating complex paperwork like bids, contracts and permits. Committed to sharing his practical knowledge, Roger contributes to this blog with a focus on how CRMs can optimize construction operations.


Best CRM for Real Estate

Real Estate

Find the ideal CRM to optimize real estate processes and maximize results.
Real Estate
Event Management icon

Event Management

Plan, organize, and track events, including webinars, conferences, and meetings, to enhance customer engagement and lead generation.
Event Management
Data Import Export icon

Data Import and Export

Easily import and export data to and from the CRM, ensuring smooth data migration and integration.
Data Import and Export
Joint Selling icon

Joint Selling

Facilitate collaboration between sales teams and partners to jointly sell products or services, enhancing sales reach.
Joint Selling
Customer Segmentation icon

Customer Segmentation

Divide customers into distinct groups based on specific criteria to tailor marketing efforts and improve targeting.
Customer Segmentation
Predictive Lead Scoring icon

Lead Scoring

Assign scores to leads based on their likelihood to convert, helping prioritize follow-ups and focus efforts on high-potential prospects.
Lead Scoring
Pipeline Visualization icon

Pipeline Visualization

Visualize the sales pipeline to track progress, identify bottlenecks, and manage opportunities effectively.
Pipeline Visualization
Upsell CrossSell Tracking icon

Upsell and Cross-Sell Tracking

Track and analyze upsell and cross-sell opportunities to increase revenue and enhance customer satisfaction through targeted sales strategies.
Upsell and Cross-Sell Tracking
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